


Image result for picture of the word change
What strike your mind when you hear the word change? Is the writer talking politically? Far from it.
Change has different meaning and it is a widely used word in our society. Therefore, there is a need to be contextual. In this article we talking change with respect to morals, behaviour and our interpersonal relationship with others.
Change is the ability to metamorphize, modify, reform, adjust and revolutionize.
Why do we need to change our behaviour and morals?
Kiram Desai once said "The present changes the past. You don't find what you left behind".
Your behaviour tells a lot about you. It shows how you react to social norms. It explain your conducts, how you are viewed by others. Expression like "He has a good behaviour" "He is mannerless" "He is dexterous" are common sayings in the society. This explains why you need to check your behaviour. It isn't easy because we all have pride 'our sense of worth'. We mostly believe we right but sometimes, we are wrong. People tend to ignore ill-mannered people and it impossible to single out one self in the world. This explains why we need to check what people say about us.
What are some of these bad behaviours:
*Temper tantrums.
*Been bossy.
*Spiteful etc.
You need to remember bad behaviours affects those who love you the most.
"Renew, release and let go. Yesterday is gone and there is nothing you can do to bring it back. You can't 'should've' done something. You can only DO something. Renew yourself. Release that attachment. Today is a new day" Steve Maraboli. Therefore the next question is ..............
How to change?
The words of Barack Obama becomes impending "change will not come if we wait for some other person or if we wait for some other time. We are the one we've been waiting for. We are the change we seek."
Madonna said "No matter who you are, no matter what you did, no matter where you from you can always change to become a better version of yourself."
Therefore, YOU only can change YOURSELF. How?
Here are some simple steps to help make that change:
1. Ask yourself "Who am I?". Be honest.
2. "Why do you need to change?" Is it because you been avoided by your loved ones? Or you know you have to change?
3. Get a journal and list what you want to change. Be realistic, set simple goals at first.
4. Write, edit and reframe your thoughts.
5. Consider the need for changes in your life and this need to start with how you consider yourself.
6. Remember changes require courage, therefore you need to be brave. Bravery because some friends might stop associating with you. Steven Chlosky said "as things change, friends leaves and life continue for everyone". Therefore know you will lose BAD ASSOCIATES.
7. Imagine how you will look and feel after successful change.
8. Think about how these changes affect multitude positively
9. FINALLY remember changes are not instantaneous. "Changes are like healing. It takes time". Although we are products of our past but we don't want to be it prisoner.
A snake dies when it can't cast it old skin. People who can't change their thinking tends to die in their thought.


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